(This activity is led by 2 instructors and is at extra cost and by arrangement only)
Once you’ve made it to the top end, check out the outstanding views while you catch your breath. Our Instructor gives you the briefing and when you are harnessed up you’ll be shortly on your way.
The flag from the bottom end signals that all is ready to receive you. As you look down the long stretch of cable, you feel your heart pounding in your chest and after a gear and harness check, the instructor clips you onto the cable and you launch yourself down the take-off slide.
Leaving the starting tower behind you, the wind rushes past your ears and soon you are going so fast that the increasing breeze turns you around backwards. Now’s a good time to remember to breathe.
With a fantastic sense of flying you hurl along, having a Harry Potter moment. Soon you start to realise the end is coming up rapidly and you start to wonder how good the brake system is. Never fear, the bungee brake slows you safely to a halt and the trolley tower comes over with the dismount instructor to fetch you down.
Congratulations, if you have time, I bet you’re up for another ride!
Since the bigger you are the faster you go, we find it prudent to limit the ride to those who weigh no more than 90 kg.